Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Coolest day at work!

Today I had some interesting customers. I was just sitting at one of the desks in the testing area, reading my book, and one of my co-workers (I’ll call her “A”) were waiting on a customer. The customer said she just needed to change her name on her drivers license because she got married. When A asked to see her marriage license the lady said she had a complication, her marriage was a same-sex marriage. A said that we couldn’t do that because Illinois does not recognize same-sex marriages. Well I remembered getting a memo a while back that said if they had gotten their social security card changed we could change their drivers license. Of course I interrupted A because any chance I get to be right when she’s wrong I’m all for. Of course she argued with me and I said that I would call Springfield and see what we could do. Then another co-worker got her spouse next in line and he told her the same thing. When I called Springfield the lady did not know what to do so she tried to connect me with her manager but they were busy and she gave me their number to try and call later. Well while I was waiting to call that department back I decided to look for the memo (I have memos strung all over the break room so it was going to be a challenge). Well as I found mine my manager found it in our operations manual and it said that if we can link the two names-not by a marriage license -but for example a social security card, we can change their drivers license. Which it makes no sense to me why a marriage license even thought it’s from another state, and we do take marriage licenses from other states for straight couple’s isn’t good enough to link two people’s names together if they’re same-sex but whatever, anyways, these ladies had their social security cards changed. Apparently at the social security office they had a problem because they weren’t going to change their cards but the office called Iowa where the ladies were married and Iowa said that since their marriage license was a legal document then they had to let them change their cards, which allowed me to change their licenses! I was super excited because even though Illinois does not recognize their marriage we can still change their licenses just like everyone else!

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