Friday, June 19, 2009

Catch and Release

Does any one know what's in this jar? Its not salsa.......anyone? It's lightening bugs! While outside grilling the other night Ruthie and I noticed that the lightening bugs were out in full force. I explained to her that when I was little, my brother and I filled huge jars with the little glowing creatures. She got so excited and said she wanted to do it too. After searching for an empty jar unsuccessfully, I just grabbed a half used jar of salsa from the fridge to clean out. When Ruthie saw she asked "Mommy, do lightening bugs like salsa?"

This child is scared of bugs so I was quite surprised that she wanted to catch them but after we cleaned the jar and went back out she kept a distance. I was really the only one catching them. It was so funny, she just kept saying over and over again "Mommy lightening bugs are SO cute!". So cute she did not want them near her :)

So after she had her fill of watching me catch them we went inside to show daddy and to eat supper. After supper she was looking at the jar and talking to them. I overheard her showing them her super cool Little Mermaid shirt that plays music. I was cracking up!
After a while she decided that she wanted to let them go. We went back outside and liberated the lightening bugs and they flew away. Ruthie was so happy that we freed them, as long as they did not fly in her direction. When they were all out of the jar she got bored and decided to climb on the porch swing......


  1. That kid cracks me up.
    That last picture.... part of me wants to say it looks like she should be in gymnastics.... but then the other part of me knows her genetic history ;P

  2. yea, we're not too gracefull.....ok, by "we" I really mean me.....
