Monday, June 15, 2009

The Bizzare Culinary Tastes of a Four Year Old

My daughter eats some strange things. For example, she dips her chicken nuggets in her macaroni and cheese, she puts ketchup on her grapes and likes ranch dressing on her hot dogs. Although, I shouldn't be too shocked since my husband has been known to eat pudding with not a spoon, but string cheese as his utensil of choice. When she was asked what she would like for supper tonight she first said "cheesy taco no, I want a hot dog". After processing this in her mind for a bit she said "cheesy hot dog taco". I at first was disgusted but I remembered all the strange things she's eaten and decided it wouldn't kill her. So I heated up a tortilla shell, put on some cheese, and cut up a hot dog to put on it as well. Not surprisingly she enjoyed it (weirdo) and I won't be too shocked if she asks for one, if not something even stranger in the future.

1 comment:

  1. You know, that doesn't sound too bad :)
    Oh god, am I turning in to her? lol
