Monday, May 9, 2011

March and April Books

Ok so I'm a little behind. With all the craziness that is in my house I haven't had a bit of time to sit and write out my books. Now that things have slowed down a bit and I have gotten tired of all the book titles stuck in my Nook that I can no longer read I have decided it is finally time to post my last two months worth of books!

Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang- Chelsea Handler
I LOVED this book! I heard it wasn't as good as her earlier books but I had a blast reading it. I mostly loved how in several stories she tries to talk her boyfriend into getting a shark for their condo! HILARIOUS! I seriously cannot wait for her new book to come out soon.

My Booky Wook- Russell Brand
I was really shocked at how much I didn't like this book. I figured with all the drug use and sex the book would be more interesting to me but alas, it was not. I felt bored through out most of it.

When Did I Get Like This- Amy Wilson
I really enjoyed reading this book. Amy writes stories of raising her three children in such a funny and relate-able way.

Perfect/Unbelievable/Wicked/Killer/Heartless- Sara Shepard
All books in the Pretty Little Liars series. Loved them all! I think I read each of them in 2 days at work.

1 comment:

  1. I have yet to be able to get into Chelsea's book. And now I'm glad I forgot to download My Booky Wooky!
